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Multi Cipta Internusa

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Multi Cipta Internusa
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Ibu Yosie Komang [Pemasaran]
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Pesan Instan:
Y!: yosiesusilo 
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Ibu Yosie Komang di Semarang
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Ibu Yosie Komang di Semarang
Nomor Faks:Nomor faks Ibu Yosie Komang di Semarang
Alamat:Jl. Tlogo Mukti Raya B-9 Graha Mukti Indah, Tlogosari
Semarang 50263, Jawa Tengah
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:24 Mar. 2011
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang dari kategori Kebutuhan Industri

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We are esspecialist in abrasive and furniture fitting product from 3M, RMC, DROLA, HAFELE, HETTICH and many more, our product like Connector Technology, Shelf Supports, Hinges and Flap, Home Improvement, Kitchen Fitting, Locks and Catches, Drawer Runners, and etc.

All our products are available in different size that suitable to your needs.

We have exclusive range of products come in exquisite and smooth design bespoke with best quality and comprehensive service system. Our products are precision manufactured which gained a good reputation among our domestic as well as international clients. We are serving our clients located in Semarang and around, Jepara, Jakarta, Surabaya and others.

We welcome you to send us your valuable inquiries and we will get back to you with cost effective solution and we are ready to share our product knowledge to your team with your appropriate time.

Please feel free to contact us via email yosiekomang@ or phone 62 816 661399 and we will be happy to answer your questions regarding our product range. Thank you for your kind attention and we look forward to see you soon.

Best Regards,
Yosie Indra Susilo
Jl. Tlogo Mukti Raya B-9
Graha Mukti Indah, Tlogosari
Semarang â € “ Jawa Tengah
Telp. 024 â € “ 70103978
Fax. 024 - 6717494

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