Wide Receiver Coverage
The VX-177 covers 420-470 MHz ( U.S. version) , so you can monitor commercial and government transmissions adjacent to the Amateur band.
Loud Receiver Audio
The oversized internal speaker produces 700 mW of crisp, clean audio power, allowing you to hear important incoming transmissions even in noisy public service or emergency operations.
200 Memory Channels
The VX-177 includes provision for storage of up to 200 memories, which may be allocated into as many as ten Memory Banks. Alpha/ Numeric Labeling ( up to six characters) of memories is also provided.
Long Battery Life
The supplied FNB-83 Ni-MH Battery has a capacity of 1400 mAh for hours of operation after other radios have shut down with dead batteries.
CTCSS and DCS Built In
The VX-127 includes full-featured CTCSS and DCS ( Digital Code Squelch) tone control systems, for easy repeater access and/ or silent monitoring of busy channels. " Split Tone" mode allows you to encode CTCSS and decode DCS, or vice-versa. And a " Reverse Tone" mode may also be engaged, to silence your radio' s receiver when a matching CTCSS tone is received ( to avoid the annoyance caused by interference from a distant repeater during times of enhanced propagation) .
And Much, Much More. . .
� Huge LCD Display with Yaesu' s exclusive Omni-Glow� illumination � RF Squelch � Security Password � Transmit Time-Out Timer ( TOT) Automatic Power Off ( APO) Automatic Repeater Shift ( ARS) � ARTS� ( Auto-Range Transponder System) � Emergency Automatic ID ( EAI) " Man Down" feature for Search-and-Rescue work Smart Search� � Dual Watch
Model Description
VX-127 w/ FNB-83 VX-127 w/ FNB-83
FNB-83 1400mAh Ni-MH Battery [ Click to view larger image]
Amateur Radio Manuals VHF/ UHF Handhelds
VX-127 Operating Manual ( 2.53 MB )