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Indo-Ware Electronic
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Character LCD 16x2 / w....
Character LCD 16x2 / w....
Character LCD 16x1
Character LCD 20x2
Character LCD 8x2
Character LCD 16x4 / w....
Black Housing 8P
Black Housing 3P
Black Housing 2P
Black Housing 1 Pin
Lihat semuanya
Module RF
1020U Serial RF modules....
Mikrokontroler Atmel
Mikrokontroler PIC
PIC 16F84A-20P
PIC 18F2550
Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F Long....
Ping) ) ) Ultrasonic....
Arduino Board/ ....
Arduino UNO Simple Pack
RoMeo ( Atmega328 + ....
Arduino Shield
GPRS Quadband Shield V1....
Seven Segment Shield
USB Downloader
K-125R USB AVR ISP....
K128 USB PIC Programmer....
Black Housing 8P
Black Housing 3P
Black Housing 2P
Black Housing 1 Pin
Character LCD 16x2 / w....
Character LCD 16x2 / w....
Character LCD 16x1
Character LCD 20x2
Character LCD 8x2
Character LCD 16x4 / w....
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Character LCD 16x2 / ....
Harga : Rp. 51.000,-
LCD karakter 16x2.
- Ukuran: 16 karakter x 2 baris.
- Controller/ driver: HD44780 / equivalent.
- Dimensi modul: 80 x 36 x 13 ( max) mm.
- View area: 64 x 15 mm....
Character LCD 16x2 / ....
Harga : Rp. 51.000,-
LCD karakter 16x2.
- Ukuran: 16 karakter x 2 baris.
- Controller/ driver: HD44780 / equivalent.
- Dimensi modul: 80 x 36 x 13 ( max) mm.
- View area: 64 x 15 mm....
Character LCD 16x1
Harga : Rp. 71.875,-
Character LCD 16x1 / w Backlight
Spesifikasi Teknis
- Number of Character = 16 char x 1 line
- Dimension = 80 x 36 x 13.2 mm
- Dot Size = 0.55 x 0.75 mm
- Character Size = 3....
Character LCD 20x2
Harga : Rp. 115.000,-
Character LCD 20x2 / w Backlight
Spesifikasi Teknis
- Number of Character = 20 char x 2 line
- Dimension = 116 x 37 x 13.9 mm
- Dot Size = 0.6 x 0.65 mm
- Character Size = 3....
Character LCD 8x2
Harga : Rp. 47.500,-
Character LCD 8x2
Spesifikasi Teknis
- Number of Character = 8 char x 2 line
- Dimension = 58 x 32 x 13.3 mm
- Dot Size = 0.56 x 0.66 mm
- Character Size = 2.96 x 5.56 mm
Character LCD 16x4 / ....
Harga : Rp. 92.500,-
Character LCD 16x4 / w backlight
- 16 karakter x 4 line.
- View area : 62 x 26 mm.
- Character size : 2, 95 x 4, 75 mm
- Dimension : 87, 0 x 60, 0 x 13, 6 mm.
Black Housing 8P
Harga : Rp. 45.000,-
Black Housing 8 Pin harga Rp.45.000, - isi 20pc
Black Housing 3P
Harga : Rp. 42.000,-
Black Housing 3 Pin harga Rp.42.000, - isi 50pc
Black Housing 2P
Harga : Rp. 52.000,-
Black Housing 2 Pin harga Rp. 42.000, - isi 100
Black Housing 1 Pin
Harga : Rp. 33.000,-
Black Housing 1 Pin harga Rp.32.000, - isi 100pc
K128 USB PIC....
Harga : Rp.185.000,-
ini adalah USB PIC Programmer/ downloader untuk semua jenis PIC.
- Antarmuka: USB
- Tanpa power tambahan saat download.
- Dilengkapi Zip soket 40 pin
K-125R USB AVR ISP....
Harga : Rp.135.000,-
Speed up to 2KB/ s
K-125R merupakan USB Atmel AVR ISP Programmer / downloader untuk semua Tipe AVR. Berbeda dengan tipe Nue-125, K-125 yang dilengkapi dengan komunikasi USB to....
Seven Segment Shield
Harga : Rp. 499.900,-
I2C 4 digits 7-segment driver
Fully assembled and tested
Includes I2C
Does not includes the Arduino board
The Gravitech 4x 7-Segment Arduino Compatible Shield is for....
GPRS Quadband Shield....
Harga : Rp. 599.900,-
GSM Shield atau GPRS ( General Packet Radio Service) Shield merupakan produk untuk keperluan nirkabel Arduino Anda. Beroperasi pada frekuensi GSM/ GPRS 850/ 900/ 1800/ 1900MHz....
2A Motor Shield
Harga : Rp. 160.000,-
This Arduino Motor shield uses L298P chip which allow to drive two 7-12V DC motors with maximum 2A current. This shield can be directly mount onto standard Arduino....
Arduino UNO Simple....
Harga : Rp. 279.000,-
Board ini merupakan board UNO terbaru. Selain memiliki fitur-fitur pada versi sebelumnya, UNO R3 kini menggunakan ATmega16U2 untuk converter serialnya. Sebagaimana kita ketahui....
RoMeo ( Atmega328 + ....
Harga : Rp. 349.900,-
RoMeo merupakan board mikrokontroler yang menggabungkan beberapa fungsi shield. Sangat cocok digunakan untuk aplikasi robotika. RoMeo sudah built-in dual motor driver sehingga....
Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F....
Harga : Rp. 225.000,-
Sensor pengukur jarak berbasis inframerah produksi Sharp
Spesifikasi :
- Catu daya : 4, 5VDC - 5, 5VDC
- Mampu mengukur jarak dalam jangkauan : 20cm - 150cm
- Output : ....
PIC 18F2550
Harga : Rp. 99.000,-
This is an amazing MCU that can talk directly to your PC' s USB port.
The 18F2550 has 16k of program memory and can crunch 12MIPs from an externally mounted 4Mhz crystal.
PIC 16F84A-20P
Harga : Rp. 38.000,-
Mikrokontroler 8 bit yang kompatibel dengan PIC Instruction set.
Spesifikasi Teknis :
- 1 KB Program Memory
- 68 Byte Data RAM
- 64 Byte Data EEPROM
- 15 SFR
- 4 sumber....
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