Frequency range
Version 50MHz 144MHz 440MHz Receive
U.S.A 50-53.995 144-
148 430-
450* 1 0.495-999.990* 2
Asia 50-53.995 144-
148 430-
440 0.495-999.990
General 50-53.995 144-
148 430-
440 0.495-999.990
* 1 Gauranteed Range 440-450MHz
* 2 Cellular Blocked
Mode FM, AM* , WFM*
* Rx only; not guaranteed
Number of memory channels 555 ( 500 reg., 50 scan edges, 5 call)
Frequency stability ± 6 ppm ( 10° C to + 60° C)
Usable temp. range
10° C to + 60° C;
+ 14° F to + 140° F
Power supply 5.5 to 11V DC or specified battery pack
Current drain ( at 8.0 V DC)
Tx High 2.0A typ
Low 0.8A typ
Rx Rated audio 220mA
Power save 35mA ( duty= 1: 4)
Tuning steps ( KHz) 5, 6.25, 8.33, 9, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100, 200
Antenna connector 50© ( SMA)
( projections not included)
58( W) � 87( H) � 29( D) mm;
217D32( W) � 37D16( H) � 15D32( D) in
Weight 240 g; 815/ 32 oz ( w/ antenna and BP-217)
Output power ( 8.0 V DC)
5 W typ.
Low; 0.5 W typ.
Spurious emissions Less than 60dB
Max. freq. deviation ± 5KHz
Ext. MIC connector 3-conductor 2.5( d) mm ( 1D10" ) / 2k©